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  1. Conversor de moeda. Os cálculos são efetuados com base nas taxas de referência diárias publicadas pelo Banco de Portugal e pelo Banco Central Europeu. Nos fins de semana e feriados em que não existe cotação é apresentado o câmbio do último dia útil anterior à data solicitada.

  2. Currency converter. Calculations are made based on daily reference rates published by Banco de Portugal and the European Central Bank. When no exchange rate is available at weekends and on bank holidays, the exchange rate for the working day prior to the date requested is given.

  3. Euro foreign exchange reference rates. The reference rates are usually updated at around 16:00 CET every working day, except on TARGET closing days. They are based on the daily concertation procedure between central banks across Europe, which normally takes place around 14:10 CET.

  4. D. Exchange rate statistics. Access the data domains Exchange rate, Exchange rates and Exchange rates indices of BPstat and explore the various tables matching the Statistical Bulletin publication in the sections below. To download the data released, click on the corresponding section.

  5. Nesta página pode encontrar os valores diários das taxas de câmbio de referência do euro face a um conjunto de divisas. | BPstat.

  6. As estatísticas de taxas de câmbio traduzem os preços das moedas face a uma moeda de referência e compreendem taxas de câmbio diárias e mensais | BPstat.

  7. For example, the EUR/USD exchange rate of 1.5415 means that the inverse quotation, USD/EUR, corresponds to 0.6487, i.e. the inverse of 1.5415 (1/1.5415). If USD/EUR = 0.6487, each dollar is worth less than one euro, which means that the euro is worth more than the dollar.

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