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Welcome to the website of the Callahan Central Appraisal District. Within this site you will find general information about the District and the ad valorem property tax system in Texas, as well as information regarding specific properties within the district.
Callahan Central Appraisal District is responsible for the fair market appraisal of properties within each of the following taxing entities. Additional responsibilities include change of address and public information requests.
PROPERTY SEARCH. INTERACTIVE MAP. ONLINE PROTEST. ... Utility Usage Reports; Appraisal Information. 2021 Inherited Homestead; Reports & Plans; Public Relations Plan; Change of Address Request; 2020 Tax Roll; 2021 Tax Roll; 2022 Tax Roll ... How Your Property Is Appraised; Understanding The Property Tax System; Property Taxpayer Remedies; Tax ...
If you are searching by address, try entering only the street number and street name, leaving off any prefix or suffix. Such as 123 Main, instead of 123 NE Main Ave. If you are searching by account number, it must match the account number assigned by the Appraisal District.
Truth in Taxation Lookup Tool. County Central Appraisal District. Property Look-Up. Online Protest Information. Property Tax Rate Worksheet(s) Contact information: 325-854-2528
Callahan County TX Appraisal District real estate and property information and value lookup. Phone, website, and CAD contact for the cities of Abilene, Baird, Cisco, Clyde, Cross Plains, Moran, Ovalo, Putnam.