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We are now offering appointments for in-person visits, you can schedule an appointment using our online tool. You can change/modify or cancel an already scheduled appointment. Schedule a Drive Test? If you need to take a drive test to get your license, you must test with DMV or a DMV contracted Class C testing business.
Already have an appointment? Cancel or review your appointment details.
To begin the appointment process, or view or cancel an existing appointment, click the appropriate button below. To allow you sufficient time, DMV will NOT administer knowledge tests after 4:30 P.M.
We are glad that offering these new online services is helping you skip the trip in to DMV. Please use the online scheduling tool to cancel your appointment. If you have difficulty using the online tool, contact our DMV customer service line by calling your local DMV office or 503-945-5000 in Salem or 503-299-9999 in Portland area.
If DMV cancels your appointment, office staff will contact you by phone to reschedule your appointment. Please note: Staff may be calling from a blocked or non-local number. If the office where you scheduled appointment is open, but you wish to reschedule for a different day, go online to and follow the directions to reschedule ...
Confirming or Canceling Your Appointment. To view or cancel an upcoming appointment, visit the CA DMV's Appointment System and choose the "View or Cancel Appointment" tab.
Not Seeing the Service You Need? Try DMV’s Service Advisor tool, which outlines service options for common DMV transactions, from title transfers and license applications to reinstating suspended registration and submitting a medical evaluation — and more!