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Find Cal South's registrar resources for efficient soccer registration, including player forms, waivers, and health safety guidelines.
California State Soccer Association - South. 20 - SEASONAL...
California State Soccer Association - South. 20 - SEASONAL YEAR. FALL. SPRING SUMMER. First Name* MI Last Name* YOUTH PLAYER REGISTRATION APPLICATION. Relation* Street Address* City* State ZIP* Home Phone** Work Phone** Mobile Phone** Email* Gender* M - Male F - Female New Player. Returning Player If returning, Cal South Player ID Number: 20
This file is a Youth Player Registration Application for California State Soccer Association - South. It captures essential player and parent/guardian information, waivers, and agreement to terms. The form facilitates youth soccer registration across various seasonal leagues.
13 sty 2024 · Download the template that most closely matches your requirements. You may find these templates in Word and PDF documents. Customize the sports registration form by entering your group name, contact information, and any particular instructions for registering.
Cal South Administrator Registration Form. All new Coaches and Team Managers must submit this form when joining the club for the first time.
South and its affiliated organizations and sponsors. (2) We recognize the inherent risk of serious or permanent physical injury and possible death asso-ciated with youth soccer activities and games. In consideration for al South accepting the youth player's registration and participation in its sanctioned
NOTICE: A player with a minimum age of 14 years as of August 1, may be eligible to participate in Cal South adult soccer program upon full completion of this form and online registration. Adult League Use: Completed Form Received: ____/_____/_____ League Registrar Signature: _____