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CaixaForum have over 2,000 m2 of exhibition halls, an auditorium with 322 seats, a media library, several multipurpose rooms for conferences and other activities, conservation and restoration workshops and a warehouse of artworks.
The CaixaForum has been conceived as a magnet attracting the art-lovers of Madrid and from out of town. The attraction will not only be its cultural program, but also the building and the site itself.
Architectural photographic assignment of the Caixa Forum in Madrid, design by Herzog & de Meuron.
15 sty 2018 · Caixa Forum, Madrid Building, Spanish Capital Architecture Project Photos, News, Design Images. Contemporary Building in Spain design by Herzog & de Meuron architects. Updated Images added 15 Jan 2018 + 4 Jan 2010. Location: Paseo del Prado, Madrid, Spain. Date built: 2008. Architects: Herzog & de Meuron, Switzerland.
Das CaixaForum-Madrid liegt in privilegierter Lage am Paseo del Prado, vis à vis des Botanischen Gartens. Dieser Ort der Kunst ist an einer Stelle entstanden, wo einst ein aus urbanistischer Sicht völlig unspektakuläres enges Gassengeviert die Bauten eines Elektrizitätswerks (Mediodía Power Station) und einer Tankstelle beherbergte.
The CaixaForum-Madrid stands on an advantageous site facing the Paseo del Prado and the Botanical Garden vis à vis. This new address for the arts is located in an area occupied until now by unspectacular urban structures, the Central Eléctrica Power Station, and a gas station.
22 maj 2008 · Architectural photographer Duccio Malagamba has relaunched his website with new images including these of CaixaForum Madrid by architects Herzog & de Meuron. The CaixaForum arts centre,...