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  1. Keyword(s): For a phrase: "Surround it with Quotes" Bills Returned: 0 0

    • Bill Search

      Personal information: social security numbers: the...

  2. Personal information: social security numbers: the Employment Development Department. Seyarto: Chaptered: AB-13 California Victim Compensation Board: payment of claims. Holden: Chaptered: AB-14 Communications: California Advanced Services Fund: deaf and disabled telecommunications program: surcharges. Aguiar-Curry: Chaptered

  3. The full text of bills, resolutions, and constitutional amendments, and their status, history, votes, analyses, and veto messages are available. If you know the bill, select the session, and House of origin, and type the bill number to retrieve this information.

  4. 2 dni temu · To access a complete listing of California Law Codes and Bill Search features, click the California Law or Bill Information Tabs on the Tabbed Panel above. Quick Bill Search: Bill Number

  5. Search California Legislative Information and access California Law and Bill information including Legislative Publications.

  6. If you do not know the bill number, you may search for bills by keyword(s), author(s), or both keyword(s) and author(s). For Keyword(s) Searching: type the word(s) in the space provided. The system will return a list of all the bills that contain all the entered keyword(s).

  7. This publication shows all roll call votes, notes parliamentary motions, lists bill introductions, and records any other official actions taken by the body. The Assembly History shows all actions on all measures from the beginning of the legislative session and feeds the Internet bill data.

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