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Form No. : 49B . Form of application for allotment of Tax Deduction and Collection Account Number under section 203A of the Income-tax Act, 1961 . PDF; Fillable Form
- Income Tax Forms
Form No.:3AD PDF; Fillable Form; e-File; Audit Report under...
- Income Tax Forms
The photographs should not be stapled or clipped to the form. The clarity of image on PAN card will depend on the quality and clarity of photograph affixed on the form. (d) Signature / Left hand thumb impression should be provided across the photo affixed on the left side of the form in such a manner that portion of signature/impression is on ...
Form 49A is the application form through which Indian citizens, including those residing outside India, can apply for a Permanent Account Number (PAN). In addition to Indian citizens, incorporated and unincorporated entities and Indian companies can also use Form 49A to apply for a PAN.
A PAN card application form, referred to as Form 49A or Form 49AA, is used for the allotment of the Permanent Account Number (Pan). PAN cards are essential for the Income Tax Department to identify taxpayers.
Form No. 49A Application for Allotment of Permanent Account Number [In the case of Indian Citizens/Indian Companies/Entities incorporated in India/ Unincorporated entities formed in India] Under section 139A of the Income Tax Act, 1961 I/We hereby request that a permanent account number be allotted to me/us. I/We give below necessary particulars:
20 mar 2024 · Form 49A is the PAN Card application form for allotment of Permanent Account Number for Residents of India. Any Individual who wishes to apply for PAN should fill Form 49A. This form can be filled both in Offline mode and in Online Mode.
Form No. 49A Application for Allotment of Permanent Account Number [In the case of Indian Citizens/Indian Companies/Entities incorporated in India/ Unincorporated entities formed in India] Under section 139A of the Income Tax act, 1961 To avoid mistake (s), please follow the accompanying instructions and examples before filling up the form