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  1. The Point and Insurance Reduction Program (PIRP), also known as the Defensive Driving Course or Motor Vehicle Accident Prevention Course, is a comprehensive driver safety course that provides knowledge and techniques for safe and lawful driving.

  2. The New York State DMV has approved the sponsoring agencies listed below to provide accident prevention courses that reduce points and insurance premiums. The courses include traditional classroom courses and courses delivered through the Internet or another alternate delivery method.

  3. I Drive Safely’s course satisfies the DMV-required 6 hours to reduce your points and insurance rates. Each of the 8 chapters deals with traffic-related topics such as: New York traffic signs. Responsible driving practices. Defensive driving strategies and techniques. New York driving laws.

  4. Driver Training Programs (DTP) are driver safety programs that are developed and overseen by DMV. Providers must be approved and licensed by DMV.

  5. Our New York PIRP course online meets the requirements that help reduce points on your driving record. It also helps you qualify for an insurance discount. At the same time, you get a review of safe driving practices.

  6. The class is designed to refresh your driving knowledge with a view to making you an even safer driver by utilizing time-tested tips and guides, keeping in mind today’s numerous vehicle and traffic laws designed to keep us safer if properly followed.

  7. Our New York Safety Council Defensive Driving online course is an approved Internet Point and Insurance Reduction Program (IPIRP) offering a comprehensive and user-friendly training platform, all at your own pace.