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  1. Poznaj podstawową składnię i procesy myślowe wymagane do pisania prostych aplikacji w języku C#. Zacznij od pisania przykładów kodu, aby poznać podstawy składni języka C#. Danych możesz używać w aplikacjach, tworząc wartości literałów i zmiennych dla różnych typów danych.

  2. Learn the basic syntax and thought processes required to build simple applications using C#. Get started by writing code examples to learn the basics of the C# syntax. Use data in your applications by creating literal values and variable values of different data types.

  3. Get started learning C# with C# notebooks powered by .NET Interactive and VS Code.

  4. 15 mar 2024 · You can learn the basics of C# from the C# for Beginners video series before starting these interactive lessons. The first lessons explain C# concepts using small snippets of code. You'll learn the basics of C# syntax and how to work with data types like strings, numbers, and booleans.

  5. Learn the basic syntax and thought processes required to build simple applications using C#. Deepen your experience with C# logic and iteration statements, Boolean expressions, and code blocks in this Learning Path. Dive deeper into data and types, learning how to manipulate string and numeric data in this Learning Path.

  6. › learn › learn-c-sharpLearn C# - Codecademy

    Jumpstart your career with this skill path, first by learning the C# language, then building web apps with ASP.NET Core and the Razor Pages.

  7. Each tutorial consists of lessons. Each lesson should be a page detailing the concept being taught, along with sample code. Lesson and page may be used interchangeably when describing the tutorials. Lessons may be broken up into several steps.

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