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  1. "break" is a command that breaks out of the "closest" loop. While there are many good uses for break, you shouldn't use it if you don't have to -- it can be seen as just another way to use goto, which is considered bad. For example, why not: while (!(the condition you're using to break)) { //Your code here.

  2. 29 mar 2010 · Do..while is the way to go when you want to run some code, check or verify something (normally depending on what happened during the execution of that code), and if you don't like the result, start over again.

  3. Use break or return to exit from the do while loop. Example: Exit from the do-while Loop int i = 0; do { Console .WriteLine( "i = {0}" , i); i++; if (i > 5) break ; } while (i < 10);

  4. To make a do-while loop we use the do keyword. Then we write a block of code between { and } that should execute repeatedly. After that we use the while keyword to check a Boolean condition.

  5. The while statement conditionally executes its body zero or more times. At any point within the body of an iteration statement, you can break out of the loop using the break statement . You can step to the next iteration in the loop using the continue statement .

  6. The best solution to such problem is loop. Loops are used in programming to repeatedly execute a certain block of statements until some condition is met. In this article, we'll learn to use while loops in C#.

  7. 14 lis 2023 · Instrukcja do warunkowo wykonuje treść co najmniej raz. Instrukcja while warunkowo wykonuje treść zero lub więcej razy. W dowolnym momencie w treści instrukcji iteracji można wyprowadzić pętlę przy użyciu instrukcji break. Możesz przejść do następnej iteracji w pętli przy użyciu instrukcji continue.