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A review demo of the Bugera V22 valve/tube amp. The amp has 3 12AX7 preamp valves and 2 EL84 output valves, with a pentode/triode output option to reduce output power by 40% (22w or 13w...
11 sie 2022 · My Review of the Bugera V22 Infinium Combo Amp is Up! As I hinted at previously I've been working on an extensive review of the Bugera V22 Infinium tube amplifier. While surrounded by far more expensive amps, this one is still a standout and offers some pretty neat surprises. Head over HERE to read all about it.
6 lis 2016 · This is a demo and review of the Bugera V22 guitar amplifier. It does a fantastic job at getting nice blues and rock tones. I’ve used this amp for about a year now and it was my first tube...
18 gru 2009 · The soon-to-be-released Bugera BC30 I think it is, is a Matchless DC30 copy and sounds absolutely amazing. I heard a demo unit already. I will buy it instantly as soon as it's for sale in the USA. I bet a whole lot of you guys will too.
10 lip 2015 · Najlepiej się o tym przekonać samemu, dlatego weźmiemy się za wzmacniacz typu combo Bugera V22 Infinium. Sprawdźmy, co potrafi ten piecyk. Bugera V22 Infinium to 22-watowe combo należące do grupy wzmacniaczy Vintage (producent oferuje jedynie dwie podstawowe serie: Vintage i Modern).
1 gru 2010 · I have to admit, I like my Bugera V22 quite a bit, even though most seem to hate them. It just takes time to find the best settings for it. I think Will's demo was pretty good, even with all the compression.
7 gru 2015 · Bugera V22 Infinium DEMO with Fender Stratocaster