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Question 1): Which famous Roman emperor uttered these words when he was stabbed by conspirators? Question 2): In which 1590s play does the utterance ‘Et tu, Brute?’ make its debut in drama? And Question 3): What was the definite meaning of Julius Caesar’s utterance, ‘Et tu, Brute?’
- Julius Caesar
By Dr Oliver Tearle (Loughborough University) ‘O, pardon me,...
- Phrases
In this week’s Dispatches from The Secret Library, Dr Oliver...
- Julius Caesar
3 lip 2024 · In act 3, scene 1 of Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, the Roman ruler Julius Caesar is betrayed by one of his most trusted friends, Brutus, who, along with fellow conspirators, stabs Caesar to death....
"Et tu, Brute?" Julius Caesar's last words; according to William Shakespeare's play of the same name. There seems to be a difference of opinion regarding the exact translation and thus, too, perhaps, the true meaning of the phrase. What is the exact, literal translation of the aforementioned phrase? What are other, possible meanings?
“Et Tu, Brute?” are perhaps the most popular three words ever written, uttered in literature, and then quoted in different contexts. This phrase also comes from the genius of Shakespeare. It occurs in his play, Julius Caesar, (Act-III, Scene-I, Lines, 77).
Rečenica” Et Tu, Brute?” pripisuje se Juliju Cezaru, a on ju je navodno izgovorio u trenutku kada su ga brutalno napali urotnici. Teško je povjerovati da je Cezar u tom presudnom momentu uopće imao prostora za riječi. Od Cezara su se u trenutku atentata mogle prije očekivati instinktivne reakcije.
What's the meaning of the phrase 'Et tu, Brute'? “Et tu Brute” are supposedly the dying words of Julius Caesar. They translate from Latin as ‘You too, Brutus?’. What's the origin of the phrase 'Et tu, Brute'? In 44 BC, Julius Caesar was murdered by a group of senators.
7 lut 2016 · Pogledaj me u oči, znaš da mislimo isto Vjerujem ti jer te volim, al spao si fakat nisko Zar i ti, sine Brute? Sranja me ljute Još jučer držo si se mene ko dijete za majčine skute.