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brochure noun /'brəʊʃə(r)/ (US) • /brəʊ'ʃʊər/ (Comm) (booklet) broszura (feminine) (glossy) prospekt (masculine) Więcej expand_more Monolingual examples The Tourism Authority of Thailand can assist with holiday brochures and information. Indian Catalogues, flyers and brochures can be collected in the service's blue bag, or taken to ...
KoBiz(Korean Film Biz Zone) has been running powered by the Korean Film Council (KOFIC) since April 2011. We have offered a wide range of news to visitors based outside of Korea and provided them with detailed information about the Korean film industry a well as various supporting programs via kobiz (
Pamflety to jednostronicowe ulotki, które informują lub edukują czytelnika na określony temat, podczas gdy broszury to wielostronicowe dokumenty reklamujące produkty lub usługi firmy. Łatwo jest stworzyć broszurę za pomocą domowej drukarki i rozdawać ją w centrum miasta.
brochure - tłumaczenie na polski oraz definicja. Co znaczy i jak powiedzieć "brochure" po polsku? - broszura, prospekt.
Film, merak ve gerilim dolu hikayesiyle izleyicilere unutulmaz anlar yaşatıyor. Son Durak 3 Film izle ⚡ Final Destination film serisinin üçüncü filminde, lise öğrencisi Wendy Christensen, bir eğlence parkında arkadaşlarının öleceğini gördüğü korkunç bir önsezi yaş...
3: Directed by Tom Tykwer. With Sophie Rois, Sebastian Schipper, Devid Striesow, Angela Winkler. A Berlin-set drama centered on a 40-something couple who, separately, fall in love with the same man.