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Figure 1 shows SWR plots for dipoles made and fed in that typical fashion for all the HF bands, as modeled using EZNEC at three different heights above ground: 80, 60 and 35 feet. These graphs vividly depict the bandwidth problem on the lower frequencies, with the results varying significantly with antenna height. Fig 1.
12 lut 2021 · DATASHEET: Codan 411 Terminated Folded Dipole, 12-20054-EN, Issue 16, © 2020 CODANCOMMS.COM Codan’s 411 Terminated Folded Dipole Antenna is a 2-wire antenna designed for broadband operation in fixed stations. Separate variations are available to support power levels of 150 or 1000 W. Easy to install, the 411 Antenna can
The balanced termination, folded dipole (BTFD) is an extremely broadband antenna, and it is a very quiet antenna indeed, as it is immune to terrestrial noise as compared with a vertical or a horizontal dipole.
Almost any kind of antenna will radiate a signal, but the antenna is not good if it does not radiate enough signal or if it sends the signal off in the wrong direction. Our purpose here is to discuss only those features of radio wave transmission that have some bearing on the installation and maintenance of a high-frequency (HF) antenna system.
In "Notes on the Terminated Wide-Band 'Folded Dipole'", I briefly touched on the 3-wire version of the antenna. In this note, I want to expand a bit on that antenna as part of a larger look at multi-wire "folded dipole" antennas using a terminating resistor to extend the SWR bandwidth.
The folded dipole is a popular antenna for reception of TV broadcast signals. It has essentially the same radiation pattern as the dipole of the same length l but it provides four times greater input impedance when l ≈ λ / 2 .
HF TWO FOLD BROADBAND DIPOLE ANTENNA DESIGN FEATURES: The S2HF Broadband Dipole Omni directional Antenna offer optimum performance, fully automatic, low SWR operation over the entire HF band 1.8 – 30 MHz and suitable for receiving or HF spectrum monitoring or surveillance. CONSTRUCTIONS: The HF broadband antenna is designed by using