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  1. 4 cze 2018 · A history of Great Britain, including archipelagos such as the Channel Islands, the Orkneys, and Ireland, as they pertain to the nation from prehistory through the twenty-first century, focusing largely on social, economic, and religious issues as well as the changing characteristics and influences of the British kingdom

  2. related to the history of United Kingdom. The textbook is divided into 11 separate chapters, ten of them covering different historical periods and the last one dealing with political system of UK. The periods are presented in a chronological order. The chapters contain an explanatory description to the given period and chosen

  3. 3 sty 2022 · a concise chronology of the most significant events in British history fully revised illustrations to portray contemporary British life. exercises and questions to stimulate classroom discussion

  4. 27 lip 2021 · Presents an overview of the history of England from the Saxons to today and provides lists of kings and queens with the date of they ruled, prime ministers, and one hundred key dates in the nation's history

  5. A SHORT HISTORY OF ENGLAND I INTRODUCTION It will be very reasonably asked why I should consent, though upon a sort of challenge, to write even a popular essay in English history, who make no pretence to particular scholarship and am merely a member of the public. The answer is

  6. United Kingdom: The Fractured Union (Oxford University Press 2021). H. Kumarasingham is Senior Lecturer in British Politics at the University of Edinburgh. His work and interests cover the history and politics of the United Kingdom, the late British Empire and the Commonwealth. His publications include the collections Constitution-Maker

  7. Project Gutenberg offers 74,603 free eBooks for Kindle, iPad, Nook, Android, and iPhone.

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