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  1. MiniBridge enables you to start playing bridge right away without having to know all the rules for bidding. Everything you learn in MiniBridge is relevant to real bridge i.e. counting your points, how to play the cards, game and part score contracts, scoring etc. HOW TO PLAY MINIBRIDGE 1.

  2. As a bridge player you are probably acquainted with several of the so-called ‘rules’ of bridge. There are several different kinds so you may find the term ‘rule’ somewhat confusing. Let me see if I can organize them into categories. First of all there are the rules we call Regulations. These are the rules found in the

  3. Basic Bidding Rules. These notes are for guidance only and are a simplified version. They are not hard and fast rules that will cover every set of circumstances. Bidding system – basic ACOL, including Stayman. Important numbers.

  4. BRIDGE. PLAYERS. Bridge is usually played by four persons. If there are more than four candidates, the prior right to play is decided by cutting the cards.

  5. winning tricks and only one trump trick (9+1=10). Following this guideline, a penalty double of a 1-level contract requires 7 winning tricks and 3 trump tricks.

  6. Over the years, various Bridge Wizards have formulated “Rules” to guide bidding or play in bridge. These are not “Rules” as in the ACBL “Laws of Bridge”, or rules about how to play fairly or courteously. The ACBL “Laws of Bridge” specify various things players are not allowed to do (such as failing to

  7. This book is intended for complete beginners to learn bridge. It is assumed that you already know the rules of bridge, but nothing else. This book covers the basics of bidding and declarer play. Defensive cardplay is largely omitted because it is a more complicated topic than declarer play.

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