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2/1 game forcing is the culmination, at least so far, of seventy years of bidding theory, and has been the most popularly used system amongst the rank and file of duplicate bridge players for about 15 to 20 years.
Playing the 2/1 Game Force System, Precision, Standard American or the “Yellow Card”, bridge players and bridge experts have developed many rules and laws for guiding their decision making.
Over 1♣ - 2♣* 13+ HCP game force bid (5+ clubs - Inverted) 1♦ - 2♦* 13+ HCP game force bid (5+ diamonds - Inverted) After an inverted minor raise 13+ HCP 1. Show major suit stoppers bid 2♥ or 2♠ up the line. No extra values. After 2♠ response by Opener, Responder with minimum and ♥ stopper
MiniBridge enables you to start playing bridge right away without having to know all the rules for bidding. Everything you learn in MiniBridge is relevant to real bridge i.e. counting your points, how to play the cards, game and part score contracts, scoring etc. HOW TO PLAY MINIBRIDGE 1.
This book is intended for complete beginners to learn bridge. It is assumed that you already know the rules of bridge, but nothing else. This book covers the basics of bidding and declarer play. Defensive cardplay is largely omitted because it is a more complicated topic than declarer play.
Two Over One (2/1) Game Forcing is a natural, 5-card major bidding system. When the auction begins 1 / /, a simple 2-level response in a new suit is forcing to game. This page provides articles, convention writeups, and resources to help learn the system. What Is 2/1? A summary of 2/1, along with some benefits and drawbacks.
There are several Bridge conventions whose names include numbers, so-called “Rules” that are mathematically or number-based that assist the Bridge Player in the bidding or in the play of the hand. Using them can be productive and should be tried when appropriate. They include the following: .