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  1. John MacArthur is the pastor-teacher of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California, as well as an author, conference speaker, president of The Master’s University and Seminary, and featured teacher with the Grace to You media ministry.

  2. Bible Introductions – 1 John Title; Author and Date; Background and Setting; Historical and Theological Themes; Interpretive Challenges; Outline; Title The epistle’s title has always been “1 John.” It is the first and largest in a series of 3 epistles that bear the Apostle John’s name.

  3. Całościowe spojrzenie na Nowy Testament w jego kontekście historycznym i kulturowym pozwala zrozumieć przesłanie tych natchnionych ksiąg Pisma Świętego każdemu, kto pragnie je poznawać. Pozycja ta stanowi owoc kilkudziesięciu lat studiowania Słowa Bożego i jego wykładania z kazalnicy oraz w licznych publikacjach Autora.

  4. Sep 17, 2021 - Most sites claiming free commentaries have only few, by few authors, readable only online vs. our 6600, by 5000 authors incl. John MacArthur, mostly downloadable. Free Bible Commentaries by John MacArthur

  5. This one-volume commentary on the entire Bible from one of America's foremost Bible expositors offers instead a minilibrary of understandable resources designed to convey the Bible's overarching...

  6. John MacArthur gives verse-by-verse analysis in context and provides points of application for passages, illuminating the biblical text in practical and relevant ways. The series has been...

  7. The MacArthur Bible Commentary by John MacArthur, one of Americas foremost Bible expositors, is an understandable resource covering the entire Bible. Big-picture introductions, passage-by-passage commentary, and hundreds of word studies, timelines, charts, graphs, and theology aids help Bible readers learn to apply Scripture’s timeless truth.

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