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  1. Many gunsmiths specialize on such things as 1911s or really big bore sixguns. Hamilton covers the gamut from the .25 Flea up to the .500 Linebaugh. Whether it’s a $125 action job or a custom, one-of-a-kind, totally unique $15,000 sixgun — or anything in between — it’s handled with style by Bowen Classic Arms.

  2. For More Information: Quinn ( tests custom Ruger Flattop Blackhawk 44 Special sixguns fro...

  3. The rear sight is a custom Bowen with an extra touch as the top of the frame is serrated on both sides of the sight assembly. The front sight is a ramp style with a serrated blade and the ramp is nicely contoured and blended into the barrel.

  4. When it comes to custom sixguns the practical shooter buys a factory product and says why bother customizing it? But the dreamer/connoisseur says — why not? The best reasons for commissioning a custom sixgun is simply because we want to — and we can.

  5. In an article this size we can barely scratch the surface of what these sixgunsmiths offer. Many have websites showcasing their work and catalogs are also available. Hamilton Bowen also has the definitive work on custom sixguns with his book The Custom Revolver; it is full of dreams!

  6. The Bowen Custom S&W features easily swapped .25-20 and .256 Winchester cylinders. It’s been my good fortune to know the greatest custom sixgunsmiths who have ever lived, simply because they are alive and well and practicing their craft now.

  7. We take you deep into the world of custom handguns, with Hamilton Bowen crafting a beast of a .500 Linebaugh revolver. It all starts with a .45 Colt Ruger New Model Blackhawk with a Bisley grip frame.

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