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  1. Yes, it is viable to play rs3 only by bonds bought via in-game money. I joined rs3 2 years ago and have adopted this method. Granted back then bonds were only 20-25m each and now are almost 2x but you can still create a self sustaining account by doing activities that you enjoy.

  2. While Bonds do have ties to inflation, there's a lot of factors that cause them to rise. First of all, the value of a coin is significantly less today than 5 years ago when it was stable at 15-20M per bond. There's no denying that there is noticeable inflation.

  3. It's actually good for the game to buy bonds. It's a non invasive way of giving Jagex money while also getting something in return, that isn't straight up exp. If there were no people buying bonds, people who wanted to sustain a membership without IRL money would have to pay way more per bond.

  4. A bond is an in-game item that allows a player to pay for their selected account and out-of-game benefits such as membership, RuneCoins, and Treasure Hunter keys with in-game resources. Bonds purchased with real money start off as tradeable.

  5. 18 cze 2024 · The price of Membership, Treasure Hunter keys, RuneCoins and RuneMetrics will remain unchanged. Bonds remain as valuable as ever, allowing players to enjoy membership purely through in-game play as well as other additional features such as bypassing name change cooldowns.

  6. 2 paź 2013 · Mod Pips talks about the first week of Bonds, including the latest stats on bond usage and gold farmers. Hi everyone, One week on since Bonds launched, we’ve had a great response from the community and have seen this new feature have an immediate impact on the game.

  7. RuneScape bonds are an in-game item that allows players to pay for their RuneScape Membership with in game currency or items. Bonds are initially purchased for real money from Jagex and can then be freely exchanged with other players and can at any time be redeemed for membership, Keys or RuneCoins.

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