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See your 3D body shape from measurements.
Create realistic characters for fun or for use in creative projects. Choose from a series of options to build your full body avatar in vector graphics.
To create Virtual Me and get to know your Body Type, please save your height, waist, hips, shoulder and breast measurements. To know your body fat %, please save also your neck measuremet. You can save several virtual me`s, but in virtual fitting room will be used virtual me, what is appointed "active"
Through the power of visualization, our interactive 3D human modeling simulator allows you to create personalized virtual representations of yourself. You can fine-tune your height, weight, gender, and shape; your on-screen figure will update to represent the details you’ve entered.
Loading body data... Note: WebGL is required (Google Chrome Recommended) ... Deutsch
Create a full-body 3D avatar from a photo and use it in VR apps & games like VRChat, LIV, and Mozilla Hubs. Making your own avatar takes just a few minutes.
Use our body visualizer to create your virtual avatar. Create unique looks from thousands of clothes and accessories in over 100 colors.