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  1. Divorce Judgment Documents. The Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles, in accordance with California Government Code sections 68150 (a) (f) (g), is providing certified copies of records maintained electronically by the Court through this site.

  2. Divorce Decree. A divorce decree acts as the final court order that officially concludes a marriage in California. This decree outlines the terms agreed upon or ordered by the court, including child custody and visitation, alimony and child support, and the division of property and debts.

  3. A divorce decree is a legal document entered by a court to finalize a divorce. Divorce decrees include many items. The big ones are the following: The names of the parties involved in the divorce. Whether the decree was a result of a contested divorce or uncontested matter.

  4. To respond to divorce or legal separation papers (a Petition), your first step is to fill out a Response form. This tells the court how you want things like custody of children, property and support handled.

  5. Divorce records for marriages dissolved in Los Angeles County are maintained by the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles. The majority of divorce filings have been imaged and are available electronically, either online or at courthouse kiosks.

  6. › selfhelp › divorceorseparationDivorce Overview - LA Court

    a “default” divorce by filing court forms for judgment, child custody, child support, spousal support, and property division. No trial is needed. If the respondent responds and the spouses agree on all issues, they draft a Marital Settlement Agreement and incorporate it into the Divorce Judgment. No trial is needed.

  7. Find divorce records in Los Angeles County, CA with our directory. Access resources to look up, obtain, or search public divorce records. Whether you need a certified divorce decree or just want to search records, our links guide you to the right offices and websites.

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