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Monet’s Water Lilies, as free of polemic as the Americans’ work was a clarion call, would come to take on a prominent role. For countless commentators, and completely in spite of themselves, these 15 “Impressionism,” and that declares as its hallmark the spontaneity of glance and of touch (fig. 9). In contrast, the Water Lilies ...
Blue Water Lilies. Claude Monet 1916 - 1919. Musée d’Orsay, Paris. Paris, France. "Nymphaea" is the botanical name for a water lily. Monet grew white water lilies in the water garden...
13 lip 2024 · Water Lilies, The Two Willows by Claude Monet, 1914-1926. Source: Wikimedia Commons. The Water Lilies series is usually divided into two compositional groups: one that depicts the pond and vegetation, and the other one that portrays the water surface, the flowers, and reflections.
Users of this e-book might include art students attempting to gain insights on Monet’s thoughts about his art and art processes, art historians exploring the wider ideals and implications of Monet’s water lily paintings, and historical researchers.
7 mar 2023 · Water Lilies by Claude Monet Analysis: A Brief Compositional Overview. Before Monet started painting the water lily ponds in his garden at Giverny, he painted lots of water scenes – experimenting with the changing effect of sunlight reflecting on the water.
At this triptych’s center, lilies bloom in a luminous pool of green and blue that is frothed with lavender-tinged reflections of clouds. Thick strokes in darker shades seep into the left panel, while on the right, sky and water are gently swallowed by an expanse of reddish-green vegetation.
The Nymphéas [Water Lilies] cycle occupied Claude Monet for three decades, from the late 1890s until his death in 1926, at the age of 86. This series was inspired by the water garden that he created at his Giverny estate in Normandy.