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Ready to adopt? Learn more about nearby dog shelters and pet rescues and find adoptable pets in Connecticut on Adopt a Pet.
Thankfully for Connecticut residents, there are an array of dog rescues across the state that help the many homeless pups of their community. We have gathered a list of some of these rescues, so let’s discuss each one in detail below!
Search for dogs for adoption at shelters near Connecticut, CT. Find and adopt a pet on Petfinder today.
13 best dog rescues in Connecticut based on people’s reviews. Other necessary services being offered by the different shelters and rescues. And a lot more… The compiled list you’ll see below is all based on research through Google maps. Reviews are from people who have experienced these places and are familiar with them.
You may sort by location, type of pet, and age. Click on the pets’ photos to view their profiles. If a pet seems like a good fit for you, visit the CHS location where the pet is located in person to fill out an adoption questionnaire.
If a dog is available for adoption, they will first be listed on our Adoptable Dogs page. Typically, we share available dogs through social media or an email to our registered adopters if they need a little extra love!
To save stray, abandoned, shelter, and owner surrender dogs of all breeds and ages (focusing on dogs in Connecticut and the Rio Grande Valley of Texas) by placing them in qualified, caring, lifelong homes. 1) Complete our adoption application. 3) An adoption Phone Interview is Completed.