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  1. 6 gru 2016 · Plant cells and animal cells share many of their parts, such as the cell membrane, nucleus, cytoplasm, ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, gogli apparatus, mitochondria and more. Like this video if...

  2. 2 mar 2017 · Today we are going to learn about the Cell. All living organisms are composted of cells. Some have only one cell and are called unicellular, such as this microscopic bacteria. Others on the...

  3. 14 mar 2019 · Educational video for kids about animal cells. Learn what a cell is, its functions, types and parts. You'll also be able to discover what is the membrane, th...

  4. 15 wrz 2016 · The cell is the smallest part of a living organism. The cells of both animals and plants have three vital functions: nutrition, relation and reproduction. The cells parts consist of a membrane, the cytoplasm and the organelles, where the nucleus is the cell’s most important organelle.

  5. www.cellsalive.funCELLS alive!

    Since 1994, CELLS alive! has provided students with a learning resource for cell biology, microbiology, immunology, and microscopy through the use of mobile-friendly interactive animations, video, puzzles, quizzes and study aids.

  6. This KS4 video is perfect for helping learners understand the key points of mitosis and the cell cycle, with handy tips and revision hints, it is ideal for those struggling to visualise the key points of this tricky concept.

  7. Kids learn about all sorts of biology subjects including the cell, animals, plants, the human body, genes, inheritance, diseases, and microorganisms.

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