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  1. METAR & TAF Translator. Aviation weather is often difficult to understand, but not at iFlightPlanner. Copy and paste your raw METAR or TAF text below to view color-coded, plain language aviation weather reports.

  2. 23 lip 2007 · Why SCT000 and what is BINOVC?

  3. METAR and TAF Weather Reports. BECMG – Becoming…. BECMG 0002 = becoming 00 to 02 Zulu. FM – From…. FM0200 = from 0200 Zulu. TEMPO – Temporarily…. TEMPO 0002 = Temporarily 00 to 02 Zulu. 4/SSS – Snow depth in inches. 4/021 = 21 inches on ground. 5aPPP – 3-hourly pressure tendency.

  4. BINOVC Breaks in overcast. COR Correction to the observation. E Used as suffix to indicate minute when precipitation ended. (Example: SNE45 - snow ended at 45 minutes past the hour.) FLDURC [Flight level] during climb, as given in a pilot report FLDURD [Flight level] during descent, as given in a pilot report FM From. LDG Landing.

  5. A METAR is a codified observation message indicating an airfield weather conditions observed at a given time. Such a message is established every hour. A SPECI message is identical to a METAR but is established punctually instead of regularly.

  6. METAR is the scheduled observation taken at the end of each hour. SPECI is an observation taken at an unscheduled time due to certain criteria that is met such as low visibility, low clouds, frozen precipitation, or thunderstorms. KORD-Station ID.

  7. 17 lip 2014 · When we use BINOVC, we locate it with direction & proximity. The idea is for the small break to be reportable it should be usable for a pilot above the deck to find their way down through it. For example: sky FEW007 BKN011 OVC018 rmk BINOVC VC N.

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