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  1. However, here are the most important numbers: We provide you and over 300,000 other cycling enthusiasts from all over the world with around 70,000 bike components. PASSION CONNECTS: BIKES ARE MORE THAN JUST OUR JOB

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    • Apparel

      The sportier your riding position on the bike, the more...

    • Bikes

      A lightweight bike for the city differs significantly from...

    • Kids

      Children's bikes have to fulfil two things in order for the...

    • Gravel

      With such a high degree of versatility, the gravel bike...

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  4. At NumLooker, we provide our users with the most comprehensive reverse phone lookup database in the world. Simply enter the phone number you want to lookup, and we'll provide you with all the details associated with that number – including the name and address of the person who owns it!

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  6. German Phone Books and Directories. Search the German web direct... You can look up a phone number on Das Telefonbuch. or find a person, business, or address. Use the search box above to search only for websites from Germany (.DE)

  7. A number that speaks for itself: more than 10,000 items. We have a huge selection of excellent parts and components for all kinds of bikes. Whether mountain bike, trekking or touring bike, e-bike, road bike, triathlon or time trial machine, if you need to replace wearing parts or want to upgrade your bike to make it fit for new challenges you ...