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I always enjoy taking Moderately Armored on Gale to use Expeditious Retreat + Speedy Lightfeet. Turn 17 Dex into 18 for Dex saves and initiative. This combo snowballs with most of the other Lightning Charges gear you get in act 1.
I'd say dual wield Phalar Aluve and spell sparkler and do a magic missile build. 12 abjuration if you want to be more tanky since you'll want to be next to enemies for the shriek aura, 12 evocation if you want max damage.
Heavy armor, defense fighting style, Con Save proficiency, second wind, and nearly full caster progression. If you fancy it, you can take a second level in fighter for action surge and double on spells in an opening salvo to better manage the battle field. The alternative build is Cleric 1 / Wizard X.
4 dni temu · Here are the essential Baldur’s Gate 3 Transmutation Wizard Build features and mechanics to focus on: Arcane Recovery: Replenish spell slots while out of combat. Transmutation Savant: Transmutation spells from scrolls cost half as much.
6 dni temu · This guide focuses on the best Wizard build in Baldur’s Gate 3, the Illusion subclass, for the optimal setup.
4 dni temu · Here are the essential Baldur’s Gate 3 Evocation Wizard Build features and mechanics to focus on: Arcane Recovery: once per day out of combat, replenish expended spell slots. Learn Spells: Wizards who can learn spells from reading scrolls and paying gold.
7 lis 2024 · Check out our guide for an overview of the Wizard class, including its related subclasses, class features, best races to use, and best builds. The Wizard is one of the 12 available main classes in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3).