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Learn how how to make every starting gun 10x better as well as the best budget weapons from traders as you progress quickly through the traders! This will he...
16 sty 2024 · Best Early Wipe & Budget Guns. The below Tarkov weapon recommendations up to trader level 2 include a diverse roster of weapon types to cater to all playstyles and maps with information on ammo type, availability and notes on optimising its effectiveness.
The AKademia Bastion dust cover/mount (6k, and gives -recoil and ergo) and the the DTK-1 muzzle break (4k) are good (-10% recoil). You can also put a PT-1 stock on it (mount included, around 15k), or get a recoil pad (3k) for the default stock from Prapor level 2.
VPO-209 with a suppressor + Trax combo + ACOG + canted. Just unlocked Mechanic 3 but before, I'd craft ap-m or even buy some off the flea and top-load a couple mags. Ap-m has better dmg/pen than M80, plus 30rd mags and a cheap base gun.
We'll be covering all the best builds you can run at level 2 traders in Tarkov!
MPX - Honestly just a great starter SMG (Though I'm personally not a fan of the gun). It comes with all the rails you need so you can slap on some cheap parts like a TACCOM muzzle and RVG Tan/Black for a pretty decent SMG. Base gun goes for 45-50k and 20k more for the attachments.
22 wrz 2024 · Unlike other first-person shooters, you must create a good gun build to easily eliminate any threats in Tarkov. This requires the use of meta weapons, attachments, and ammo types. In this...