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  1. Need help on characters in Anonymous's Beowulf? Check out our detailed character descriptions. From the creators of SparkNotes.

  2. Beowulf is the longest poem written in Old English. Old English poetry uses alliterative meter, meaning that the stressed words in a line begin with the same sound. A line of Old English poetry has two halves, with a brief pause, called a caesura, in the middle of the line.

  3. A list of all the characters in Beowulf. Beowulf characters include: Beowulf, Grendel, Hrothgar, Unferth, Wiglaf, Grendel’s Mother, The Dragon.

  4. This is a list of Beowulf characters. Beowulf is an Old English heroic epic poem. Its creation dates to between the 8th [1] and the 11th centuries, the only surviving manuscript dating to circa 1010. [2] At 3183 lines, it is notable for its length.

  5. Identify the major characters in Beowulf and type their names into the different title boxes. Choose a character from the "Medieval" or "Monsters and Myths" tabs to represent each of the literary characters.

  6. This description helps to contrast his poor character with how good and noble Beowulf and Hrothgar are and it also provides insight into cultural expectations for behavior at the time.

  7. Beowulf Character Map Mr. Pogreba, Helena High . Wealhtheow (Hrothgar's wife) Hrothgar (king of the Danes whose mead hall and men are menaced by Grendel) Unferth (Hrothgar's retainer) Beowulf (mighty warrior who later becomes king of the Geats) Hydg (Hygelac's wife) Heardred (son of Hygelac and Hygd, who becomes king after his father's death)