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The Phenomenon of Man (1955) The Dialectic of Sex (1970) Metaman (1993) Regeln für den Menschenpark (1997) The Age of Spiritual Machines (1999) Citizen Cyborg (2004) The Singularity Is Near (2005) ... Ben Goertzel is a computer scientist, artificial intelligence researcher, and businessman.
After remarrying twice, Goertzel recently had another baby boy with his wife Ruiting Lian. They live in Hong Kong. Your first grand-daughter was born a few months ago.
Goertzel jest synem Teda Goertzela, profesora socjologii na Rutgers University. W 1989 obronił doktorat ( Ph.D. ) z matematyki na Temple University , następnie wykładał matematykę, informatykę i psychologię na różnych uniwersytetach: University of Nevada , City University of New York , University of Waikato , oraz University of Western ...
Robb and Josh welcome Ben Goertzel for a deep exploration of the narrow AIs we are quickly growing accustomed to and our fraught transition to artificial gen...
My father, Ted Goertzel, is a prince among sociologists, a pillar of the community and a rock of solidity in a chaotic world. Hats off to Ted everybody! Here is a link to Ted Goertzel's homepage. My "estranged" (and strange) soon-to-be-ex-wife Gwen's
This is where in 1984 I met my future wife Gwen Yorgey.... 1987: Moved to Philadelphia and attended graduate school in mathematics at Temple University. Got married. Started playing the piano and writing lots of weird fiction, in parallel with doing cognitive science and AI research and trying to unify physics and other fun stuff.
2,802 Followers, 8 Following, 29 Posts - Ben Goertzel (@bengoertzel) on Instagram: "" Log In. Sign Up. bengoertzel. Follow. 29 posts. 2,802 followers. 8 following. Ben Goertzel. Posts. Tagged. looking cosmic in vancouver... helping sophia with her makeup at d10e, before the Singularity net announcement ...