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  1. Associate Director for the School of Music, Professor of Trumpet & Director of Graduate Music Phone: (615) 460.6079 Email: Office Location: McAfee Concert Hall 205

  2. Associate Director for the School of Music, Professor of Trumpet & Director of Graduate Music Phone: (615) 460.6079 Email: Office Location: McAfee Concert Hall 205

  3. As Belmont faculty and staff members, you play an integral role in fulfilling the Belmont mission of helping our students become all that God created them to be.

  4. Professor of Music Business, Music City Professor of Music Industry History Phone: 615-460-5438 Email: Office Location: 34 Music Square East 202

  5. Our mission is to study, perform and create music in a stimulating student-centered environment that… The School of Music is committed to the health and safety of the students, faculty and staff. Please refer to the NASM Student Guide. The School of Music is officially an All-Steinway School.

  6. The Office of Human Resources supports this mission by recruiting, retaining and rewarding our faculty and staff by: Encouraging diversity and growth; Promoting a responsible and ethical work environment

  7. 24 lis 2024 · These catalogs contain important information about degree options, course descriptions and programs offered by Belmont University.

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