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The Batman is an American animated television series based on the DC Comics superhero Batman. Developed by Michael Goguen and Duane Capizzi, and produced by Warner Bros. Animation and DC Comics for seasons 3–5, the series first aired on Kids' WB on September 11, 2004, then Cartoon Network on April 2, 2005. The show would become exclusive to ...
First-run episodes are broadcast during Kids WB's Saturday morning lineup. Repeats of the show have aired on Toonami and/or Cartoon Network worldwide. A spinoff comic book series, The Batman Strikes!, is based on the world of The Batman.
10 lip 2024 · From campy and humorous to dark and brooding, there is a Batman TV show for every taste. With several shows currently airing and even more upcoming DC animated movies and shows set to premiere soon, it doesn't appear that The Dark Knight will be leaving television sets anytime soon.
The following is an episode list for the Kids' WB and Cartoon Network animated television series The Batman, starring the titular character. The series premiered on September 11, 2004, and ended on March 8, 2008, [1] with a total of 65 episodes being produced and aired over the series' three-and-a-half-year run; each season comprised 13 episodes.
Welcome to the Official YouTube channel for DC Kids! Enjoy great entertainment from your favorite shows like Batman Unlimited, DC Super Friends, Teen Titans Go! and more! A mysterious entity...
25 wrz 2024 · Here's our breakdown of how to stream the Batman movies and TV shows, which includes theatrically released movies, plus TV series that feature Batman as the main protagonist.
8 sie 2024 · By taking a look at each of the Batman animated series in order of release, viewers can explore the Caped Crusader's dynamic history in chronological form, allowing them to understand the character's gradual evolution.