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  1. The basilar part of the occipital bone (also basioccipital) extends forward and upward from the foramen magnum, and presents in front an area more or less quadrilateral in outline. In the young skull, this area is rough and uneven, and is joined to the body of the sphenoid by a plate of cartilage.

  2. The basilar part of occipital bone, also known as the basiocciput, is a quadrilateral-shaped extension of the occipital bone. It forms the anterior boundary of the foramen magnum and stretches forward and upward from the front edge of the foramen magnum.

  3. 30 paź 2023 · The occipital bone is an unpaired bone which covers the back of the head (occiput). It makes up a large portion of the basilar part of the neurocranium and entirely houses the cerebellum. It is the only cranial bone to articulate with the cervical spine. Besides this joint, it articulates with many other bones of the skull.

  4. 16 paź 2024 · The parietal bones mainly shape the top of the skull, with a smaller section contributing to the skull base. Their primary function is to safeguard the brain from injury. Slightly curved and rectangular, each parietal bone has two surfaces, four borders, and four corners.

  5. 22 mar 2023 · The occipital bone is a flat, unpaired bone that forms a major part of the posterior wall and base of the skull. It is a complex structure that protects the cerebellum and occipital lobes of the cerebrum and provides attachment to several muscles and ligaments.

  6. Basilar part of occipital bone. The basilar part is the portion of the occipital bone extending anteriorly from the foramen magnum and joining with the body of the sphenoid bone. This part of the occipital bone is also known as the basiocciput. It has two surfaces - internal and external.

  7. Explore the detailed anatomy of the occipital bone, including its basilar, lateral, and squamous parts, through augmented illustrations and interactive experiences.

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