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Ask Kate, call or chat with us. Make an appointment in an office or with an agent. Looking for a bank branch, insurance agency or ATM? Your personal digital assistant, available 24/7. Scan the QR code below or log in to KBC Brussels Mobile. Then type your question in the search bar at the top. Or ask an expert from KBC Brussels Live.
Get help with things like problems using KBC Touch, a forgotten PIN or changing your settings. Questions about online banking and security in KBC Touch Discover how your secret code might not be that secret, what we at KBC do with your details and what you can do to prevent fraud.
Vraag het aan Kate, bel of chat met ons. Maak een afspaak in een kantoor of bij een agent. Op zoek naar een bankkantoor, verzekeringsagentschap of bankautomaat? Je persoonlijke digitale assistent, 24/7 beschikbaar. Scan de QR-code hieronder of meld je aan in KBC Mobile. Stel dan je vraag in de zoekbalk bovenaan.
Chat with a KBC Brussels Live specialist: WhatsApp us on 09 331 78 29 (by chat) Learn more; Mon–Fri: 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Sat: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Report fraud or a lost smartphone Block KBC Brussels Mobile, KBC Brussels Touch or KBC Brussels Business: 0800 65 65 0; Call us from abroad: + 32 15 63 22 80; 24/7: Find us near you: Find a branch ...
Please call 0800 65 65 0, no matter the time of day. Prefer to talk to us in person at a branch of your choice? Was this page useful to you? Yes No. A problem with online banking like Touch or one of our Business solutions?
From good-old-fashioned branch or insurance agency visits to contact through our website, Mobile and Touch apps or KBC Live for online banking, we want to be there for them. Messaging services like Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp fit right in.’
Bel met KBC Live op het nummer 078 152 153, elke werkdag van 8 tot 22 uur en zaterdag van 9 tot 17 uur. Via WhatsApp kun je enkel met ons chatten. Wil je liever een telefonisch gesprek? Kate verbindt je in KBC Mobile door met KBC Live, of bel naar 078 152 153.