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  1. Boston Red Sox – drużyna baseballowa grająca we wschodniej dywizji American League, ma siedzibę w Bostonie w stanie Massachusetts. Dziewięciokrotny zwycięzca w World Series. Historia. Boston Americans w 1901 roku. Huntington Avenue Grounds w 1903 roku. Babe Ruth w 1918 roku. Fenway Park.

  2. Boston Red Sox je profesionalni bejzbol koji pripada sportskoj organizaciji Major League Baseball te se redovno natječe u istočnoj diviziji Američke lige. Klupski stadion Fenway Park se otvorio 20.4. 1912, te danas predstavlja najstariji još uvijek otvoreni stadion jednog MLB kluba.

  3. The name Red Sox, chosen by owner John I. Taylor after the 1907 season, refers to the red hose in the team uniform beginning in 1908. Sox had been previously adopted for the Chicago White Sox by newspapers needing a headline-friendly form of Stockings, as "Stockings Win!"in large type did not fit in a column. The team name "Red Sox" had previously been used as early as 1888 by a 'colored' team ...

  4. Boston Red Sox je poklicna bejzbolska ekipa iz Bostona, ki trenutno igra v Vzhodni diviziji Ameriške lige v ligi MLB. Kot ena izmed osmih ustanovnih ekip Ameriške lige deluje vse od leta 1901 naprej. Domači stadion ekipe je že vse od leta 1912 Fenway Park, morda najslavnejši bejzbolski stadion na svetu.

  5. Logos and uniforms of the Boston Red Sox. Team photo of the 1901 Boston Americans, the franchise's first season competing in the American League. The logos and uniforms of the Boston Red Sox have gone through a limited number of changes throughout the history of the team.

  6. 279 132. bostonglobe. u/echoacm. • 1 yr. ago. [Speier] Updating the Red Sox GM search: per major league source, James Click talked to the Sox but has elected not to pursue the job at this time due to family considerations. 98 39. twitter. u/icethepartyplanner. • 1 yr. ago.

  7. 28 gru 2018 · Slova abecede. Reč abeceda dolazi od imena četiri prva slova latinskog alfabeta: a, be, ce i de. Sinonim alfabet, kojim se koristi nemački jezik, ima poreklo u imenima slova alfa (α) i beta (β) koja su dva prva slova grčkog alfabeta. Kada govorimo čuje se glas. Kada pišemo glas postaje slovo.

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