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Atbash cipher (also called mirror cipher or backwards alphabet or reverse alphabet) is the name given to a monoalphabetical substitution cipher which owes its name and origins to the Hebrew alphabet. Atbash replaces each letter with its symmetrical one in the alphabet, that is, A becomes Z , B becomes Y , and so on.
- Mirror Writing
dCode retains ownership of the "Mirror Writing" source code....
- Gravity Falls Cipher
Gravity Falls ciphers are some of the most basic, but they...
- Mirror Writing
Learn how to encode and decode messages using the backwards alphabet code, which swaps the order of the letters and their opposites. Find out why this code is easy to break and see examples and questions.
All you need to do is create a translation table with the letters of the alphabet written from A to Z across the top and reversed along the bottom. Find the letter in your cipher text on the bottom row and look above it to see it decrypted.
A monoalphabetical substitution cipher uses a fixed substitution over the entire message. The ciphertext alphabet may be a shifted, reversed, mixed or deranged version of the plaintext alphabet.
1. What does the letter T become if you shifted the alphabet 5 letters? 2. What does the letter X become if you shifted the alphabet 3 letters? 3. You could also shift in the other direction, so B becomes A.
The Atbash Cipher is a simple form of monoalphabetic substitution cipher that uses the reverse of the alphabet as the key. To encrypt a message, the first step is to reverse the alphabet.
Atbash latin: Encode and decode online. Originally used to encode the hebrew alphabet, Atbash (אתבש) is formed by mapping an alphabet to its reverse, so that the first letter becomes the last letter. The Atbash cipher can be seen as a special case of the affine cipher. Hex to Base32.