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Use the following calculators to estimate the number of calories burned during certain activities based on either activity duration or distance (only for walking, running, or cycling). To estimate the calories consumed each day, use our Calorie Calculator.
- Ideal Weight
Ideal Weight Calculator. The Ideal Weight Calculator...
- Calorie Calculator
Related: BMI Calculator | Body Fat Calculator | Ideal Weight...
- Due Date
While the due date is often estimated as a single date, it...
- BMR Calculator
BMR = 1,717 Calories/day. Daily calorie needs based on...
- Body Fat
Use the "Metric Units" tab if you are more comfortable with...
Being overweight or underweight can have significant health...
- Ideal Weight
The tool will take you through your walking habits and, based on them, estimate the number of calories burned in the process, as well as the weight lost this translates to. You'll also find information about the most important benefits of walking and, hopefully, get motivated to give it a go!
The calories burn walking a mile depends upon the terrain and walking path. How Many Calories Do you Burn Walking a Mile? On average, 150-lb weight. a person will burn about 100 calories per mile at a mild pace (2.5 miles per hour), and a 120-lb. person burns around 85 calories per mile on average at the same pace,
27 sie 2021 · The number of calories you burn while walking depends on different factors, including your weight, pace, terrain, and more.
1 paź 2024 · Most people burn about 100 calories per mile that they walk or run (study). This calculator can do a little better by factoring in your body weight. All we need to know is how much you weigh and how much you’re walking. Here’s the walking calorie calculator: What are you measuring? How many kilos do you weigh? How fast are you walking?
Convert Miles Walked to Calories Burned. The chart below is about calories burned by distance (miles) and weight while walking at a speed of 3mph.
The Walking Calorie Calculator is an online tool that helps you calculate the number of calories you burn while walking. The tool takes inputs such as age, gender, height, weight, walking speed, and time, to give you an accurate estimate of the number of calories you burn during your walk.