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  1. Show your thinking about your initial question, and identify your Point of Confusion. List the general steps that you took leading up to your Point of Confusion. Write an authentic question about your Point of Confusion that is different from your initial question.

  2. Students check the presenter's understanding. as they articulate generalized steps. complete the Tutorial Request Form (TRF) and identify their Point of Confusion (POC).

  3. paper. Keep your notes in your binder to study. Reflection: (In Class – After the Tutorial) →My POC is based on a focus area from my Tutorial Analysis Grade Reflection: __ Yes __No →I was a student presenter during tutorial today: ____ Yes ____ No What specifically helped me better understand my/the POC

  4. Tutorial Request Form (TRF) Pre-work Inquiry (Before the Tutorial) (Directly from book, quiz/test, notes, etc.) • As I review my resources (Cornell Notes, textbook, workbooks, quizzes/tests), what is something that I don’t understand? • How can I simplify and explain this question in my own words?

  5. 144 AVID Tutorial Guide HANDOUT 2.17c (1 of 2) Subject: Standard Essential Question: Name: AVID Period: Date: Pre-Work Inquiry _____ /12 Resources _____ /1 Collaborative Inquiry _____ /2 Note-Taking ... Tutorial Request Form (TRF) Pre-work Inquiry (Before the Tutorial) KNOW SHOW TELL. Created Date:

  6. AVID Tutorial Guide. HANDOUT 2.17b (3 of 3) Three-Column Notes. Directions: Group members take three-column notes on their own paper for each student presenter’s questions during the tutorial process. Point of Confusion Question. Tutorial Notes. Steps (Math/Science) Process (LA/History)

  7. 144 AVID Tutorial Guide HANDOUT 2.17c (1 of 2) Subject: Standard/Essential Question: Name: AVID Period: Date: ... (TRF) Pre-work Inquiry (Before the Tutorial) KNOW SHOW TELL. ... Class—During the Tutorial) Take three-column notes (question/notes/steps or process) during the tutorial on notebook paper. Keep your notes in your binder to study.

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