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  1. To match the more striking exterior of the new Audi A3 Sportback, the interior has also been significantly sharpened. There are quite a few innovations here – from the shifter design and air vents to the decorative fabric inlays and new interior lighting.

  2. O experiență de lux. Cu un spațiu amplu, generos, materiale premium și funcții digitale avangardiste, noul Audi Q8 Sportback e-tron este o experiență...

  3. › @AudiChannelRomania › videosAudi Romania - YouTube

    Bine aţi venit pe canalul oficial Audi România! Construim cu succes şi pasiune pentru dumneavoastră: factorii noştri de succes sunt entuziasmul, creativitatea şi dedicarea.

  4. Audi is presenting a new interior design for the first time in the Q6 e-tron. Technology and aesthetics are firmly oriented towards the needs of the occupants as never before. Four values characterise the new interior design philosophy: Human Centric, Digital Stage, Visual Clarity, Material Driven.

  5. Today on Frame, a feature on the Audi design center, developping and preparing the future of Audi interior and exterior look down to the smallest detail. ...more. About FRAME: When business...

  6. In the new Audi A5 interior, Audi designers make technology tangible and simultaneously enhance the well-being of the occupants. The Digital Stage and Material Driven Design are accentuated with light, resulting in a generous spatial effect.

  7. Interiorul modelului Audi skysphere concept¹ recreează atmosfera unui salon elegant și nu creează senzația de interior tipic de automobil. Toate materialele de la interior omagiază locul în care a luat naștere acest automobil: sudul Californiei. Lemnul este de eucalipt.

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