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  1. The Arya Samaj ideology focuses on reviving Vedic principles, promoting monotheism, rejecting idol worship, and advocating social reforms like equality, education, and caste eradication through rational Vedic interpretation.

  2. The official webpage of Bangladesh Army provides a comprehensive list of all army schools and colleges in the country.

  3. 5 wrz 2015 · आर्यसमाज के दस नियम ( arya samaj ke das niyam) the ten principles of arya samaj १. सब सत्यिध्या और जो पदार्थ विध्या से जाने जाते हैं, उन सबका आदिमूल परमेश्वर है ।

  4. Recruitment in the Army is a common process to meet up combat requirement. Every male and female citizen, irrespective of caste, class or religion is eligible for recruitment in the army provided he/she meets the laid down age, educational, physical and medical requirement.

  5. The 10 principles of Arya Samaj consist of the basic code of conduct, which is universal. These are conducts of righteousness that could apply to anyone. In addition, there are a 3 principles (principle no. 1, 2, 3) that recognise eternal truth, i.e., the nature of God and Vedas as the source of knowledge.

  6. › home › pageJOIN BANGLADESH ARMY

    Login and Application form. Go to and login at home page using your Username and Password. Enter Your SSC Exam information - Degree, Education Board, Roll No, Passing Year and press “Verify Result”. You can see that some of your Information will filled automatically.

  7. › home › pageJOIN BANGLADESH ARMY

    To apply for a Commissioned Officer you must be: 16 Years 6 Months - 21 years old on January 01 or July 01 at the date and year of joining military academy for training. 18-23 years for serving soldiers in Bangladesh Armed Forces. A Bangladeshi citizen by Birth. Unmarried.