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Print out and Read these Instructions. Click on the link and choose "Open". Make sure your CAC (Common Access Card) is inserted. Fill out the bottom of the form by clicking in the blanks beside the...
DOD NOTICE AND CONSENT BANNER: You are accessing a U.S. Government (USG) Information System (IS) that is provided for USG-authorized use only. By using this IS (which includes any device attached to this IS), you consent to the following conditions:
I have completed the DoD Information Assurance Awareness Training module online at and I will participate in all required training programs...
Army Reserve Enterprise Customer Support Center: https://esahelp or 1-877-777-6854 At the bottom of the page there is a place to browse for your 75-R (should already be saved on the desktop unless you are a new soldier/civilian)
In order to proceed you must open and digitally sign the Form75r and upload it to ARAMP. The instructions are listed below. Print out and Read these Instructions. Click on the link and choose...
Complete USAR Form 75-R (Test) (Army Reserve Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)), which is available at https://arg1web/pubs/forms/Pages/default.aspx; upload a copy to your ATCTS profile.
Army Standard Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) 1. Understanding. I understand that I have the primary responsibility to safeguard the Information contained on the classified and/or unclassified network from unauthorized or inadvertent . modification, disclosure, destruction, denial of service, and use. 2. Access.