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  1. › ikonySymbole APRS

    Symbole są niekiedy nazywane ikonami. Jednak w oryginalnym protokole APRS symbole mogą przybierać różne wielkości i barwy wyrażające w ten sposób dodatkowe informacje, np. wielkość terenu objętego huraganem, czy też kolor symbolu wyraża zdolność stacji do obsługi wiadomości.

  2. The following table describes all of the SYMBOL ATTRIBUTES in APRS and the color used in most cases to convey them on the map. This list is in ascending order meaning you start at the top and assign any color that applies.

  3. Search for APRS symbols by description or by code. Hover over a symbol to see its code and a brief description. If you find this page useful, you can buy me a beer 🍺.

  4. Y PY 56 Yacht AY 56 No Symbol Z PZ 57 WinAPRS AZ 57 No Symbol [ HS 58 Jogger DS 58 Wall Cloud \ HT 59 Triangle DT 59 No Symbol] HU 60 PBBS DU 60 No Symbol ^ HV 61 Plane lrge DV 61 No. Plane _ HW 62 WX Station DW 62 No. WX Stn ` HX 63 Dish Ant. DX 63 Rain a LA 64 Ambulance SA 64 No. Diamond b LB 65 Bike SB 65 Dust blwng c LC 66 ICP SC 66 No. CivDef

  5. This list, derived from the original list provided in UIview and heavily modified and updated, is useful for selecting the symbol letter code in TinyTraks, TNC trackers and Kenwood D700/TH-D7s. Click here for a printable APRS Symbols reference chart, including the actual icons, in Acrobat PDF format. A standard APRS-format position report looks ...

  6. The Following Symbol table shows the two types of identifiers for all APRS ICONS. The primary symbols are on the left and the alternate table is on the right. The first column of each is labeled /$ and \$ for the primary and alternate tables. These are the characters you will see in an APRS formatted position report. The XYZ columns are

  7. 17 sty 2017 · In APRS, symbols on the map are encoded as two ASCII characters. The first character selects the table (primary or secondary) and the second character selects the symbol from that table. (The table selector can also be used as a alphanumberic overlay on top of the secondary table)

  1. Wyszukiwania związane z aprs symbole dans sur tu ma y cau noi noi tieng cua nelson mandela

    aprs symbole dans sur tu ma y cau noi noi tieng cua nelson mandela ve giao duc