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Twój Mac wymaga naprawy? Zobacz, jakie masz opcje serwisowe, poznaj ich koszt i dowiedz się, ile czasu potrwa naprawa.
Need to repair your Mac? See your service options, their costs by coverage type, and how long they take.
If you do want to repair your screen, there are a few things that you need to think about before you take your Macbook into the shop. Below, we've compiled everything you need to know about the cost to replace your Mac screen.
If you are experienced with the complexities of repairing electronic devices, Self Service Repair provides you with access to genuine Apple parts, tools, and repair manuals to perform your own out-of-warranty repair.
6 lip 2021 · Need to get your MacBook, Mac, iPhone, iPad, or Apple Watch repaired? Here's what you need to do and how much Apple repairs cost.
Use this guide to replace the screen (aka the display) in a Late 2020 MacBook Air (M1). This kit contains all the parts and tools needed to complete this guide. Show more… Before starting this procedure, you should disable your Mac's Auto Boot feature.
Replace a display compatible with the model A2337 late 2020 13" Retina MacBook Air 13" laptop. Includes the 2560 x 1600 pixel LCD 13.3" screen, aluminum case, camera.