Yahoo Poland Wyszukiwanie w Internecie

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  1. Bezpłatna usługa Google, umożliwiająca szybkie tłumaczenie słów, zwrotów i stron internetowych w języku angielskim i ponad 100 innych językach.

  2. Co znaczy i jak powiedzieć "anyways, anyhoo, anywho" po polsku? - w każdym razie; bądź co bądź; tak czy owak; tak czy siak; tak czy inaczej; tak w ogóle.

  3. Google's service, offered free of charge, instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages.

  4. Tłumaczenie hasła "anywho" na polski tak czy owak jest tłumaczeniem "anywho" na polski. Przykładowe przetłumaczone zdanie: Anywho, so break it down. ↔ Tak czy owak, wal.

  5. Definicja: anywho In some parts of the US, people use “anywho” as a transition word like “anyway”. (Example: A person who is talking gets interrupted. Then they say: “Anywho, as I was saying...”)|"Anywho" is incorrect. To express any + person, simply use "anyone".

  6. Translations in context of "Anywho" in English-Polish from Reverso Context: Anywho, I've been thinking, you're right.

  7. In professional or formal writing, anyhow is the preferred choice due to its standard status in English. It's suitable for both formal and informal contexts, making it a versatile transitional word. Anywho, however, should be reserved for casual or informal settings due to its colloquial nature.

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