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  1. › wiki › BasilicaBasilica - Wikipedia

    In Ancient Roman architecture, a basilica (Greek Vasiliki) was a large public building with multiple functions that was typically built alongside the town's forum. The basilica was in the Latin West equivalent to a stoa in the Greek East.

  2. Basilica, in the Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox churches, a canonical title of honour given to church buildings that are distinguished either by their antiquity or by their role as international centres of worship because of their association with a major saint, an important historical event,

  3. Bazylika Maksencjusza – ostatnia z wielkich bazylik wzniesionych w Rzymie, znajdująca się na Forum Romanum, po północnej stronie Via Sacra. Budowę bazyliki rozpoczął cesarz Maksencjusz, ukończono ją już jednak za panowania Konstantyna Wielkiego po 313 roku [1].

  4. Basilica of Constantine, large, roofed hall in Rome, begun by the emperor Maxentius and finished by Constantine about ad 313. This huge building, the greatest of the Roman basilicas, covered about 7,000 square yards (5,600 square m) and included a central nave that was 265 feet (80 m) long and 83.

  5. › summary › basilica-architecturebasilica summary | Britannica

    basilica, Originally a secular public building in ancient Rome, typically a large rectangular structure with an open hall and a raised platform at one or both ends. In one type, the central hall was flanked by side aisles set off by colonnades, and the raised platform was enclosed by an apse.

  6. What were Roman Basilicas used for in ancient Rome? There were public and private Basilicas, the private ones built by extremely rich individuals for personal use as part of a palace or collective use. The public Basilicas are the best known and some achieved incredible sizes. Their earlier use was for public spaces such as law courts or offices.

  7. Learn about the history and art of Rome's ecclesiastical edifices, from ancient to modern times. Discover the four great basilicas, the Palaeo-Christian and Medieval churches, and the baroque masterpieces.

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