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  1. The German spelling alphabet helps you spell out words over the phone and radio with code words such as Anton, rger, Berta, etc. for each letter of the alphabet.

  2. Vermeiden Sie Missverständnisse beim Buchstabieren am Telefon! Lassen Sie Namen, E-Mail-Adressen, Fremdwörter, Fachausdrücke automatisch auf Deutsch buchstabieren. Buchstaben und Zahlen werden nach DIN 5009 buchstabiert.

  3. Wie buchstabiert man auf Deutsch? A Anton Ä Ärger B Berta C Cäsar CH Charlotte D Dora E Emil F Friedrich G Gustav H Heinrich I Ida J Julius K Kaufmann L Ludwig M Martha N Nordpol O Otto Ö Ökonom P Paula Q Quelle R Richard S Siegfried SCH Schule T Theodor U Ulrich Ü Übermut V Viktor W Wilhelm X Xanthippe Y Ypsilon

  4. Combinations of letters with own way of saying them. sch, (a)ch, (i)ch, ei, ie, au, eu, sp, st. Letter. Example Words. Translation of Example Words. der Apfel, der Arm. apple, arm. B.

  5. In German, A is Anton, not Alpha. See how the German phonetic spelling code is different from the English/international code, with a full chart.

  6. The alphabet. The German alphabet has 26 basic letters, the three umlauted vowels Ä, Ö, Ü as well as the Eszett (ß). The basic letters are divided into vowels (A, E, I, O, U) and consonants (B, C, D, F…).

  7. It provides a table showing the German alphabet with the English pronunciation and examples of each letter within words. It also lists common digraphs and diphthongs in German. Learning the alphabet, pronunciation, and phonetic spelling code is essential for communicating correctly in German.

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