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  1. Air Alert III will increase your vertical, but you will need to train your legs to actual jumping situations. On your days off from Air Alert III, go out and play. And, practice jumping aggressively when you play.

  2. Welcome to the Air Alert Vertical Jump Training page. Here, you have full access to the game's most popular, the game's most simple and game's most effective vertical jump program.

  3. i'm in my last year of college ultimate - a friend of mine was just given the Air Alert 3 dvds and info as a gift. have any of you all tried it? i've heard mixed reviews, and i'm not sure if i'm up for risking an over-use injury at this point...

  4. Practice when, how fast, and what body parts to move through jumping. this one is great. I’ve tried air alert 3 and it was okay, I didn’t turn into a Zach Lavine, but it increased my vertical for about 5 inches in 2 months.

  5. 28 lis 2006 · Air Alert III es el mejorado Air Alert. Hemos cambiado el número de series y repeticiones, y, lo más importante, hemos cambiado el número de días por semana que el programa debe hacerse, lo que te ayudará a una mejor recuperación muscular global y un mejor desarrollo de la fuerza.

  6. During the days that you are not doing Air Alert III, it is important that you help your legs get used to normal jumping situations. Air Alert III will increase your vertical, but you will need to train your legs to actual jumping situations. On your days off from Air Alert III, go out and play. And, practice jumping aggressively when you play.

  7. At the completion of Air Alert III, you can maintain your new vertical simply by aggressively playing a jumping sport 2-3 times per week. You may also repeat week 8 on the alternating, 3 day per week routine.

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