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Agave na - Zróżnicowany zbiór ofert, najlepsze ceny i promocje. Wejdź i znajdź to, czego szukasz!
Agave ocahui var. longifolia jest jedyną w swoim rodzaju mrozoodporną agawą, którą z powodzeniem można uprawiać w Polsce. Umiarkowanie duża, piękna agawa pochodzi z Meksyku i rośnie na wysokości około 1100 m. Jej liście są gładkie, wąskie o długości prawie 1 m i szerokości od 2 do 3 cm, bez zębów brzeżnych, ale z końcowym grzbietem.
Agave ocahui is a smaller agave that grows 2-3 feet tall and wide. Dense, deep green leaves grow from the center in a rosette shape. The leaf margins have a white and brown hue and no serrated teeth, although the leaves have sharp tips at the end.
Agave ocahui forms a solitary, symmetrical, 18" tall x 3' wide rosette. When the clumps mature, they are topped with a 9' tall narrow spike of bright yellow flowers. Agave ocahui var. ocahui has performed extremely well in our winters, although protection from winter moisture is still important.
Agave ocahui is a cactus / succulent with green foliage. In spring and summer green and yellow flowers emerge. Features glossy texture. Grows well with sun and occasional - low water. Drought tolerant once established. Prefers to be dry in winter. Does well in gritty, lean, rocky and well-drained soil.
Agave ocahui is a compact and symmetrical rosette-forming succulent with Yucca-like leaves. These leaves are thick and fleshy, and densely packed with toothless reddish-brown margins and a sharp gray-brown terminal spine.
9 mar 2023 · A moderately large, beautiful, solitary Agave from oak woodland in Sonora, Mexico around 1100 m, with smooth, narrow, leaves that are nearly 1 m long ... Seeds for sale starting at € 6.90. A midsized Agave from Sonora, Mexico, with stiff, narrow, dark green leaves that often have a reddish tinge...