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Access and manage your Aflac policy, file claims, and view benefits online through the secure Member Portal.
- Register
Let's get you registered. FIRST THINGS FIRST ... To get...
- Getting Started Guide
Register your account at to access and...
- Aflac MyLogin Sign-In
User Name Forgot your user name? Don’t have an account yet?...
- Register
Let's get you registered. FIRST THINGS FIRST ... To get started, we'll need to gather some information about your coverage. What do you have handy? GREAT, NEXT WE NEED... Now, we just need your name and birthday. And your ZIP code, too, please.
User Name Forgot your user name? Don’t have an account yet? If you’ve been impacted by a recent disaster, read this.
Log In / Register. Download the MyAflac ® mobile app to manage your coverage on the go featuring easier login using biometrics and access to your phone's camera to capture and upload documents to support your claim.
Help us help you. (By upgrading your web browser.) Apologies for the inconvenience but in order to get you logged in we need you to upgrade your browser version or switch to a bro
Register your account at to access and manage your coverage, submit and track claims, enroll in direct deposit for fast claim payment and more. In this step-by-step guide you’ll learn how to:
Please pardon our progress as we work to update this portal with new tools and features to improve your member experience. If you have any questions or need assistance, please reach out to our Customer Solutions Center at 855-819-1873.